Instagram says, publishers, may have to seek permission from creators to embed their posts, which implies that every embedded Instagram post across the web is liable for legal challenges soon.
Instagram added this statement:
“While our terms allow us to grant a sub-license, we do not grant one for our embeds API. Our platform policies require third parties to have the necessary rights from applicable rights holders. This includes ensuring they have a license to share this content if a license is required by law.”
The new clarification may put many website owners on alert. The full consequences of the statement are yet to be clarified, but if this is implemented, that could mean that everyone would no longer be able to embed any Instagram post/photos on websites without direct permission from the post creator or photographer.
In the past, websites have been able to share and embed any post without any concern. If such a new policy of seeking creator’s permission to be followed for sharing and embedding, that could have extended impacts on Instagram’s parent company Facebook and even other platforms like Twitter.